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You are viewing Cheat Codes for 1080 Snowboarding System : Nintendo Wii Date Added : 2007-11-12 15:22:28 Views : 25049 Add "fisheye" zoom in/out in saved replay. Use C-up to change the view in a replay to directly behind the rider (the view you play in). Now use up and down on the D-pad to add a ''fisheye'' effect and zoom in (up) and out (down). Deadly Fall Level Beat Match Race on Expert. Easy fast start Instead of trying to time this; at the start of the race, as soon as the countdown begins just start tapping up on the Thumbstick quickly. When the race begins you will end up easily getting a fast start and will shoot out in front. Gold Boarder Pass expert mode using the Ice Boarder. Go to Hensuke Kimachi and then press C up and then tap A. Ice Boarder Pass expert mode so you can get a see-through Snowboarder. When you pass the level, go to Akari. Press C left and then tap A Panda Boarder Get the high score/best time in all of the Time Attacks and Trick Attacks and then get all three best scores in Contest Mode. Then at the player selection screen highlight Rob Haywood and hold C-Right and press A. Penguin Board Do all 24 tricks in one traning session, then when you select the board ''Tahoe 151'' hold c-down. Complete Any Trick Select Training Mode and choose any boarder. Perform an easy trick, but before you land, open up the trick menu and scroll down to a trick you have not yet completed. When you land, the game will count the trick you did as the one you selected from list. Dragon Cave Course Beat the fifth course on Hard difficulty, in the Match races. Play with the music in the Halfpipe replay mode After completing a trick attack in the halfpipe, selcet ''View Replay'' and once it starts move the control stick to ''scratch a record'' in the music. Take control of the Intro Camera Once the game into begins(with the boarder flying down the hill), simply hit C-up once, and then use the Joystick to move the camera around. If you'd like to go back to the pre programed ''action'' cam, simply tap C-up again. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more 1080 Snowboarding cheat codes.
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